DOT (Commercial Drivers License Certification) Exams Specialist
Rochester Primary Care
Primary Care Practice located in Rochester Hills, MI
When you’re a truck, bus, or you drive another commercial vehicle, you need more than just a license. You may need to have a physical exam as well. This is known as a Department of Transportation, or DOT, physical. A DOT exam helps prove that you are physically and mentally fit to drive a commercial vehicle, which requires long hours and other challenges. At Rochester Primary Care, Ramkrishna Surendran, MD can help make sure you’re ready for the road. Contact Rochester Primary Care for a consultation. Contact Rochester Primary Care for a consultation.
DOT (Commercial Drivers License Certification) Q & A
What Gets Examined?
A DOT exam is not a driving test, but instead a medical test. You will have your vision, hearing, blood pressure, and medical history examined.
Do I need perfect vision to pass the DOT Exam?
There is no such thing as “perfect” vision, but you do need 20/40 vision for both of your eyes. If you wear glasses or contacts, you will be tested with or without them. On the road, you need to be aware of all of your surroundings, and testing your vision makes sure that you do so.
What about perfect hearing?
You will need to take a hearing test, which can involve testing you to hear a whisper from fewer than five feet. When you’re driving, it’s important to hear every sound on the road.
What else do I get tested for?
You also get tested for medical issues. A blood pressure test can make sure you can sit for a long period. You will be examined for any drug issues, any bodily issues, and neurological problems as well.
How long will the DOT examination allow me to drive?
This depends on various factors. Passing the exam can allow you to drive for a couple years, but depending on your health issu es, you may need another in a few months.

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DOT Exams
At Rochester Primary Care, we can help make sure you’re ready for the road.